The Aleutians
The Lands of 50 mph Fog
HLSWILLIWAW'S "FRENCH CONNECTION" This magazine is one of the best productions I've seen in a very long time! A must for every comprehensive Aleutians Library!
14 Euros ea. + 8 Euros Postage to the USA (On 12 Nov 2006 1 Euros = 1.2863 U.S. Dollars) (Currency Converter)
Aléoutiennes : la campagne oubliée ( VOL.1) Aujourd’hui pratiquement oubliée, la campagne des Aléoutiennes fut pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale le lieu d’un affrontement entre forces japonaises et américaines. Conçue comme une manœuvre de diversion pour attirer les Américains loin de Midway, l’attaque japonaise de la base de Dutch Harbor en juin 1942 est suivie d’un débarquement de troupes à Attu et Kiska, les îles les plus occidentales de l’archipel. Perçue comme une menace, la présence japonaise sur le sol nord- américain provoque l’envoi d’unités américaines et canadiennes. Les Japonais, qui n’ont aucune intention d’y rester, n’ont pourtant d’autre choix que de s’y retrancher, harcelés par la 11th Air Force… Les opérations aériennes des appareils des deux camps sont fortement perturbées par le temps exécrable qui sévit dans le Pacifique Nord. Les 15 mois que dure la campagne auront causé plus de pertes à cause des conditions météorologiques que des combats ! Les P-38, P39, P-40, B-24, B-25 et B- 26 mènent des frappes continues contre les installations Japonaises. En mai 1943, les forces américaines réoccupent Attu après une bataille sanglante. C’est le premier pas vers la reconquête de l’archipel et les raids vers les Kouriles du Nord… Ce sujet méconnu sera traité en deux parties dans "Ciel de Guerre" par Arnaud Prudhomme et Stéphane Soulard.
Aleutians : the forgotten battle (part 1) Who does remember today that during Word War 2, the Aleutians were an advanced theatre of operations against Japan ? As a diversionary move in conjunction with their strike against Midway, the Japanese bombed Dutch Harbor in June 1942 and landed troops on Kiska and Attu, the westernmost islands of the Aleutians. The Japanese remained, primarily in a defensive situation, to prevent any movement by American forces toward Japan through the Aleutians chain. Aerial operations by the enemy and by the fighter and bomber units of 11th Air Force were often restricted by severe weather. The 15 months of the campaign turned out to be a struggle against nature rather than against rival enemy forces ! The 11th Air Force knew many losses, in most cases, caused by accidents. P-38s, P39s, P-40s, B-24s, B-25s and B-26s led continuous attacks on Japanese installations. In May 1943, American forces seized Attu after a bloody battle. First step to the recapture of the Aleutians and to the raids against the Northen Kuriles, the Japanese home islands… This subject which remains unknown to many will be done in two parts in "Ciel de Guerre" by Arnaud Prudhomme and Stéphane Soulard.
This well done magazine, printed on heavy, glossy paper, is full of valuable information, photos, drawings, maps, and stories of the battles, aircraft, and ships engaged in the Aleutian theater of WWII. Lists of aircraft by unit number, nicely detailed maps, photos from many sources (including, makes this magazine an interesting read even if you don't read French! One way to get your copy is to click on the E-mail link located in the contact box to the right "TMA Editions," and make your own arrangements with the company for payment and postage information. can also place your order for this magazine through a PayPal account if you have one. Go to: to either set up a PayPal account or to place your order. Don't forget to pay in Euros (14 Euros each + 8 Euros Postage = 22.00 Euros total). Make sure you indicate this payment is for the magazine "CIEL DE GUERRE 10 SEPT.-OCT.-NOV. 2006." The PayPal address to which you refer this payment is: This is both an e-mail and PayPal Account Identification for Mr. Many Souffan / TMA Editions, Subscription Department, 75 rue Claude Decaen, F-75012 Paris, France. Phone (33) 143 473 516. If you have questions or concerns, please contact directly Mr. Many Souffan at
Step-By-Step Instructions for Purchasing CIEL DE GUERRE Magazine via PayPal 1. After you log in to your PayPal Account, click on the Send Money Tab on top. 2. Put in the Recipients’ Email or Phone Box. 3. Put “22” (or the current price for the magazine, including postage) in the Amount Box and change the Currency to Euros. 4. For Category of Purchase, select “Goods” from the drop down menu. 5. Put “CIEL DE GUERRE N° 10 SEPT.-OCT.-NOV. 2006” in the Email Subject Box. 6. In the Note box, tell that you found out about the magazine on Add anything more that you like, such as your mailing address. 7. Hit Continue. 8. On the Check Payment Details page, make sure all your information is correct, then click on the “Send Money” button on the bottom of the page. 9. You should get an email receipt that your payment was made. [Note, the 22 EUROS is for one magazine. If you want to purchase more than one magazine, you might want to email and check on shipping costs]

TMA Éditions

TMA Editions 75 rue Claude Decaen 75012 Paris France Tél. : +33 (0)1 43 47 35 16 Fax +33 (0)1 43 47 34 37 E-mail : écrire
Built with XARA
The Aleutians
The Lands of 50 mph Fog
HLSWILLIWAW'S "FRENCH CONNECTION" This magazine is one of the best productions I've seen in a very long time! A must for every comprehensive Aleutians Library!
14 Euros ea. + 8 Euros Postage to the USA (On 12 Nov 2006 1 Euros = 1.2863 U.S. Dollars) (Currency Converter)
Aleutians : the forgotten battle (part 1) Who does remember today that during Word War 2, the Aleutians were an advanced theatre of operations against Japan ? As a diversionary move in conjunction with their strike against Midway, the Japanese bombed Dutch Harbor in June 1942 and landed troops on Kiska and Attu, the westernmost islands of the Aleutians. The Japanese remained, primarily in a defensive situation, to prevent any movement by American forces toward Japan through the Aleutians chain. Aerial operations by the enemy and by the fighter and bomber units of 11th Air Force were often restricted by severe weather. The 15 months of the campaign turned out to be a struggle against nature rather than against rival enemy forces ! The 11th Air Force knew many losses, in most cases, caused by accidents. P-38s, P39s, P-40s, B-24s, B-25s and B-26s led continuous attacks on Japanese installations. In May 1943, American forces seized Attu after a bloody battle. First step to the recapture of the Aleutians and to the raids against the Northen Kuriles, the Japanese home islands… This subject which remains unknown to many will be done in two parts in "Ciel de Guerre" by Arnaud Prudhomme and Stéphane Soulard.

TMA Éditions

TMA Editions 75 rue Claude Decaen 75012 Paris France Tél. : +33 (0)1 43 47 35 16 Fax +33 (0)1 43 47 34 37 E-mail : écrire can also place your order for this magazine through a PayPal account if you have one. Go to: to either set up a PayPal account or to place your order. Don't forget to pay in Euros (14 Euros each + 8 Euros Postage = 22.00 Euros total). Make sure you indicate this payment is for the magazine "CIEL DE GUERRE 10 SEPT.-OCT.-NOV. 2006." The PayPal address to which you refer this payment is: This is both an e-mail and PayPal Account Identification for Mr. Many Souffan / TMA Editions, Subscription Department, 75 rue Claude Decaen, F-75012 Paris, France. Phone (33) 143 473 516. If you have questions or concerns, please contact directly Mr. Many Souffan at
Step-By-Step Instructions for Purchasing CIEL DE GUERRE Magazine via PayPal 1. After you log in to your PayPal Account, click on the Send Money Tab on top. 2. Put in the Recipients’ Email or Phone Box. 3. Put “22” (or the current price for the magazine, including postage) in the Amount Box and change the Currency to Euros. 4. For Category of Purchase, select “Goods” from the drop down menu. 5. Put “CIEL DE GUERRE 10 SEPT.-OCT.-NOV. 2006” in the Email Subject Box. 6. In the Note box, tell that you found out about the magazine on Add anything more that you like, such as your mailing address. 7. Hit Continue. 8. On the Check Payment Details page, make sure all your information is correct, then click on the “Send Money” button on the bottom of the page. 9. You should get an email receipt that your payment was made. [Note, the 22 EUROS is for one magazine. If you want to purchase more than one magazine, you might want to email and check on shipping costs]
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