Summer Picnic
Date posted: 05/12/2023
Each summer on the designated date members of Hughes Aircraft/GM/Raytheon retiree community gather
at a designated place to enjoy a pot-luck picnic along with the camaraderie of others, sharing both food and
war stories.
Monthly Meetings
Date posted: 07/28/2022
At 11:00 AM on the first Tuesday of each month HARA members gather to swap stories, listen to selected
guest speakers, and to partake of the cuisine offered by either the Mr. Panda Buffet or the Golden Coral
restaurants located in Aurora, CO. The two locations alternate each month providing a bit of diversity with
the dining fare. [ZOOM meetings continue to keep everyone in touch. Look for ZOOM meeting time, date,
and connectivity in your HARRA Newsletter.
Holiday Event
Date posted: 07/25/2023
On a designated date at a designated place each winter, the retirees gather to celebrate the festive winter
holidays while sharing good food and company at a local restaurant.