HISTORY - Page 78
example, USAF furnished six months of language training in Turkey before the students departed for
Lackland [AFB, TX] where they received an additional six months of instruction
. By the same token, the
technical courses were lengthened.
Training of USAF personnel for NATO II deployment began on 30 November 1961. The Turkish portion of the
individual technical training program started on 28 June 1961. This phase and the IWST part were to be
completed in December 1963
When the Army and Navy first started the JUPITER development program, the tentative plan called for
deployment of the weapon system on or before June 1960. The location of the deployed missile was
undefined, and this was the status for better than two years. From time to time the Army attempted to
obtain a deployment plan, but was unable to do so. As earlier mentioned, even the GSE development
program was held up, and, without this equipment, deployment was impossible.
The orbiting of SPUTNIK and the decision by OSD to develop both IRBM's brought the deployment aspects
of the JUPITER closer to definition, although a specific site was not indicated. The directive simply stated
that deployment was to be effected by December 1958. SAC's operational plan of March 1958
114. Ibid., pp. 57-58.
115. JUP Qtrly Rpt for 2d Qtr CY 6l, 14 Jul 6l, Hist Off files.
Jupiter SM-78 Weapon System
I&C Team 2, Çigli AB, Turkey 1961-1962
Chrysler Corporation Missile Division