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nucleus of personnel from activities associated with the program were trained. In this respect, men from the Maintenance Operating Procedures Shop (MOPSHOP) were given three months training at the Ordnance Guided Missile School (OGMS) in the Ordnance Individual Specialist Course, and two months OJT at Chrysler in Detroit [Warren, MI]. Additionally, approximately 44 students per month were receiving the OGMS one-week Ballistic Missile Orientation Course 98 . After operational control of the JUPITER had been given to the Air Force, the Training Division sought information from AFBMD in order that an efficient training program could be planned. At the briefing for General Schriever in June 1957, they presented a complete plan to meet the JUPITER portion of the Air Force IRBM IOC requirement. This proposal was built around the Air Force's static site employment concept. Also, maximum utilization of Air Force specialists would be made. On another point, it was stated that personnel and facilities for assembling and servicing special weapons warheads would be furnished by an Aviation Depot Squadron. The plan went on to cover each facet of the training program from factory training of instructors until the troops were ready to man the missile in the field 99 . Army and Air Force representatives made a comparison of JUPITER and THOR training plans in early July. As for the special weapon warheads, the Army adjusted its plan to the Air Force method of placing this function directly with the Strategic Missile Squadron (SMS - later called Technical Training Squadron - TTS). AFBMD also provided other material such as the training cycle, and firing unit and specialists training. ABM _____________________________
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98. Hist of the JUP Tng Pro, pp. 16-17, Hist Off files. 99. Present, Briefing for Cmder & Staff, AFBMD, 18-19 Jun 1957, Hist Off Files

Jupiter SM-78 Weapon System

I&C Team 2, Çigli AB, Turkey 1961-1962 Chrysler Corporation Missile Division
Made with Xara

HISTORY - Page 72

nucleus of personnel from activities associated with the program were trained. In this respect, men from the Maintenance Operating Procedures Shop (MOPSHOP) were given three months training at the Ordnance Guided Missile School (OGMS) in the Ordnance Individual Specialist Course, and two months OJT at Chrysler in Detroit [Warren, MI]. Additionally, approximately 44 students per month were receiving the OGMS one-week Ballistic Missile Orientation Course 98 . After operational control of the JUPITER had been given to the Air Force, the Training Division sought information from AFBMD in order that an efficient training program could be planned. At the briefing for General Schriever in June 1957, they presented a complete plan to meet the JUPITER portion of the Air Force IRBM IOC requirement. This proposal was built around the Air Force's static site employment concept. Also, maximum utilization of Air Force specialists would be made. On another point, it was stated that personnel and facilities for assembling and servicing special weapons warheads would be furnished by an Aviation Depot Squadron. The plan went on to cover each facet of the training program from factory training of instructors until the troops were ready to man the missile in the field 99 . Army and Air Force representatives made a comparison of JUPITER and THOR training plans in early July. As for the special weapon warheads, the Army adjusted its plan to the Air Force method of placing this function directly with the Strategic Missile Squadron (SMS - later called Technical Training Squadron - TTS). AFBMD also provided other material such as the training cycle, and firing unit and specialists training. ABM _____________________________
98. Hist of the JUP Tng Pro, pp. 16-17, Hist Off files. 99. Present, Briefing for Cmder & Staff, AFBMD, 18-19 Jun 1957, Hist Off Files
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