HISTORY - Page 38
to meet missile delivery and firing schedules imposed by the Commission. Moreover, both the REDSTONE
and JUPITER programs would face stretch-outs. So the limitation, which would occasion a momentary
savings, would, in the long run, prove to be quite costly. Intangibles such as lowered personnel morale and
the possible loss of scientific momentum were other considerations to be coped with
Subsequent to the Secretary's 13 August directive, literally thousands of pages were generated comparing
the THOR and the JUPITER from every angle conceivable. Competition and feeling between the two
development elements ran high, as, quite naturally, each felt that it had the better missile. The deadline of
15 September came and passed, and, in fact, the ad hoc committee was still deliberating when SPUTNIK I
orbited the earth. This demonstration was the overriding factor in choosing two IRBM's instead of one. On
10 October, the President approved the Secretary's recommendation for the rapid development for both
missiles. And, in short order, the Secretary of Defense directed that AFBMD cooperate with ABMA in the
full development of the JUPITER system
. The administration and coordination bog had been dredged: the
termination threat had subsided in a beep.
48. Msg, ORDAB-CR-34-8, ABMA to Chf, R&D, Da, 27 Aug 57, Hist Off files.
49. JUP-THOR ad hoc files; Hist of ABMA, Jul-Dec 57, pp. 6-8; JUP Chronology; all in Hist Off files.
Jupiter SM-78 Weapon System
I&C Team 2, Çigli AB, Turkey 1961-1962
Chrysler Corporation Missile Division