Jupiter SM-78 Weapon System
I&C Team 2, Çigli AB, Turkey 1961-1962
Chrysler Corporation Missile Division
HISTORY - Page 28
According to the plan, ABMA was still dissatisfied with the engine arrangements. It was pointed out that all
work was proceeding on known and proven designs, whereas they felt that some engineering efforts
should be devoted to development of higher-thrust engines. ABM also mentioned that it planned to
investigate different fuels, oxidizers, and additives that might afford greater efficiency and reduce logistic
problems. Basically, it was requested that an additional contractor be phased into the engine program
OSD-BMC reviewed the plan, and took several actions. For example, they disapproved the introduction of a
new engine contractor; however, it was noted there were modifications that could be made to the NAA
and Aerojet engines to improve performance. Moreover, the idea of forward research was not shelved, as
DOD had directed its R&D element to make a study on future requirements for higher-thrust engines, and
ABMA was told to proceed with its liquid propellant research studies. On another important matter--the
radio inertial guidance system backup program OSD-BMC noted that such development was contingent on
construction of an engineering facility at JPL. Funds were approved for buying contractor equipment and
training equipment, but FY 1957 MCA construction fund approval was deferred pending a complete review.
In all cases, ABMA was cautioned to maintain close coordination with the Air Force so as to assure joint
development of items common to the IRBMs
36. ABMA Plan for IRBM 2 Msl Dev FY 56-57, 23 Feb 56, Hist Off files.
37. Memo, OSD-BMC to JANBMC, 25 May 56, subj: JUP Fiscal & Dev Plans for FY 1956 & FY 1957; in ABM Ref Book, subj: JUP, Part I, Tab C.