Last Updated: 11/23/2016 07:23
Kare Lohse, 2007
Kare Lohse, a Danish 747 Classic airline pilot flying for Air Atlanta Icelandic at the time would
on occasion fly over the Aleutian Islands during his airborne excursions. Kare got in touch
with us and contributed several photos he’d taken during those flights. We’ve used several of
his photos throughout or Attu presentations, and are grateful for his contributions providing
views of Attu not previously posted!
Kare flew out of Shanghai and often passed over Attu on his way to Anchorage, AK. These are
photos of Attu Island he’d taken from 33,000 feet during a time when Attu was experiencing
some relatively nice weather. They were taken from the Western and Northern side of Attu on
the 19th of January, 2007, from 23:25 to 23:31 UTC. Because of the date line and time
difference, this corresponds to an Alaska time/date of 14:25 to 14:31 (or 2:25 to 2:31 pm if you
like), also on the 19th of January, 2007.
#1. Most Western point of USA - Cape Wrangell of Attu
Island. Position is about North 52o 55' and East 172o 26’.
WWII historic (1942/43) as well as a LORAN navigation
station. Taking pictures through thick aircraft front
windshields is difficult, so this is the best I could get from a
sharp lens. (Kare Lohse)
Originally Posted: 01/23/2007
#2. Looking East, finding Attu Island. This Island looks
deserted, but it is not. See:
(Kare Lohse)
[Attu’s LORAN Station closed in 2010. No longer in operation.]
#3. Cape Wrangell (Kare Lohse)
#4. Cape Wrangell. (Kare Lohse)
#5. Attu. (Kare Lohse)
#6. Attu. (Kare Lohse)
#7. Attu. (Kare Lohse)
#8. Attu Island, North side. (Kare Lohse)
#9. Attu Island as seen from Northwest. (Kare Lohse)