HISTORICAL DATA Silver Valley, Lakewood, CO
Historical Charts of Weather Events Over 24-hour Periods
Outside Temperature
Heat Index History
THSW History
Dew Point History
THW History
UV Dose
Inside Temperature
Inside Heat Index History
Inside Dew Point History
Outside Humidity History
Inside Humidity History
Wind Chill History
Wind Direction History
Wind Speed History
High Wind Direction History
Hi Wind Speed History
Wind Run History
Rain History
Rain Rate History
Solar Radiation History
High Solar Radiation History
Solar Energy History
UV History
Hi UV History
Barometer History
Air Density History
Reception History

Current as of: 09/07/24, 10:00p

HISTORICAL DATA Silver Valley, Lakewood, CO
Historical Charts of Weather Events Over 24-hour Periods
Outside Temperature
Heat Index History
THSW History
Dew Point History
THW History
UV Dose
Inside Temperature
Inside Heat Index History
Inside Dew Point History
Outside Humidity History
Inside Humidity History
Wind Chill History
Wind Direction History
Wind Speed History
High Wind Direction History
Hi Wind Speed History
Wind Run History
Rain History
Rain Rate History
Solar Radiation History
High Solar Radiation History
Solar Energy History
UV History
Hi UV History
Barometer History
Air Density History
Reception History