After the Chernobyl accident, multiple cases of mental disorders
were reported. The Soviet, and as well as post Soviet, psychiatrists
diagnosed all of them as Radiophobia.
In Stalin's GULAG prison camps, they were short of pills, so whoever
visited the doctor was receiving "Analgin", which was the same pill
for all illnesses. Sometimes doctors broke the pill on half and told
the prisoners, - " take one half for the fever, and the other half
for the ulcers." This is exactly the same method of treatment
victims receive for all sorts of Chernobyl disorders, no matter what
bothers them, the diagnosis is "Radiofobia" , and the treatment is
always the same useless pill.
September, 2006.
The Chernobyl radiation poisoned
1/5 of the total territory of neighboring country of Belorus, which
I call Belorussia. Everyone know this land is too poisoned for
farming, and radiation will still be there when Lukashenko's
perpetual presidency is ancient history.
This spring, Luka won a another presidential term, jailed the
opposition leader, and declared total victory over all his enemies
including Chernobyl. He solemnly announced that some parts of the
land are now safe for people to re-inhabit.
I wanted to write him a letter to congratulate him on his victory,
and to propose that his administration and their families become the
first settlers of those dead villages..
I heard that they succeeded in gathering "volunteers" for this idea.
Among those who agreed to participate in this experiment are people
who have nowhere to go, including recent prison parolees and
refugees from former Soviet Republics in Central Asia and Chechnya.
So far, all official attempts to breathe new life into Chernobyl
have failed, and the only tangible results of their efforts are a
few pages of wildly optimistic statistics made for UN reports.
September, 2006
Our education.
Chernobyl must be revealed to the
young and should become a required subject for study in school,
because the longer one lives, the more one becomes accustomed to and
fond of the things of this world. It is really the youth who strives
to change the course of things, not the adults who perfectly put up
with the worlds hypocrisy and take advantage of its error.
In the Soviet Union, nuclear physics was a privileged branch of
science. As if wrapped in cotton wool, scientists developed nuclear
technologies under surveillance of KGB, their studies being focused
exclusively on Marx and science. The humanitarian parts of education
were purposely ignored by their curriculum. The State didn't need
philosophers, it needed efficient scientists and patriots who
wouldn't think of leaking nuclear secrets to the CIA. Eventually
this exclusive cultivation of technique produced scientists who did
not understand the total process of life and therefore had little
conscience for their activities. The Soviet system of education
didn't teach any respect for human beings. Without love and respect
for life in general, and human life in particular, knowledge only
leads to destruction and misery.
Being privileged means being arrogant, they didn't listen to anyone
who was not of their league. The designers of Chernobyl reactor were
told many times not to build reactors close to large population
centers, but they ignored it. They were told that building reactors
with no caps was dangerous, but they built them anyway. They even
built Chernobyl type reactors after the accident.
Chernobyl is as much a result of faulty totalitarian education
system, where the temples of learning were like a chess-board. A
professor of nuclear science had privileges of a queen, while
professors of history and literature had less respect than a pawn.
The decades of clinging to formulas and repeating slogans had
produced millions of scholars and technicians with out-dated skills
and leaden hearts. All these were dumped onto the job markets when
the Soviet system collapsed. These very same clods are now back in
business - in the business world.
The question is what now? Is new the generation of nuclear
physicists and control room operators more professional than the
previous? I doubt it, because at least during the Soviet times
students had to study. Now in my part of the world everyone can
bribe their way through examinations or just buy their diploma. No
way for them to learn from Chernobyl, because the truth of Chernobyl
is hidden from them as well as from the rest of us and they cannot
therefore seek what they lack.. The irresponsibility of officials
and designers of new reactors is encouraged by the fact that no one
was punished after accident of Chernobyl. Now they do what they
always did but this time more blatantly, and with real cynicism,
because they know they will never be held accountable for their
Many governments are controlled by large corporations and have taken
present day education under their control. They combine their
efforts and work together in the area of education or training of
young children to NOT THINK critically about what corporations,
governments and regimes are doing, but to give the young a
“cleaned-up” or sanitized version of events that always gives future
citizens and consumers a “feel-good” view of government-corporate
power and influence. They cultivate productivity, efficiency, and
success, but again, subjects which teach the respect and
understanding of human life are suppressed. Students only study for
a specific profession, they are taught how to earn a degree and to
be mechanically productive - but without being intelligent.
The whole modern school system is a conveyor, teachers seeking to
get bribes out of students seeking to get diplomas out of teachers.
Our educational system is on the last stage of degradation, it
allows the word "Wormwood" to be removed from dictinaries. It
produces medics who conclude that kids of Chernobyl having higher IQ
than children from not contaminated areas, journalists who write
that Chernobyl was just a little fire accident... What about
seminar, where they adopted the agenda "Let's finish all talks about
Most social institutions designed to keep people intellectually and
emotionally dull, which makes them fitter to be governed, it makes
us all subservient and incomplete, deeply thoughtless, and
hopelessly passive. This system suits our ruling elite, for such a
domesticated population is consistently useful for the manipulations
of the ruling class of society. This is the dream of every
government: To get in control a crowd who, like a herd of animals,
could be moved from one contaminated place to other. But this dream
of a Utopian. This days underdeveloped society can not ever exist,
much less survive, with so many chemical industries and nuclear
facilities, any mindless society is destined for omnicide. Counting
down to Doomsday...
September, 2006
Amateurs! Unprofessionals! this is derogatory cry of those who apply
themselves to research of Chernobyl, for the sake of gain raise,
against those who pursue it for desire to find out the truth or from
a pure interest in the history of Chernobyl.
This derogation rests upon the fact that personal gain raised
through party-line research on Chernobyl can be obtained only
through defending the interests of the power industry, and also upon
promoting at every opportunity the universal conviction that
everyone lacking degrees and diplomas can never be taken seriously.
The general public, who do not understand anything about the issues
of radiation, has the same outlook and consequently holds the same
opinion. This is the origin of it's trust for government officials
and respect for "the professionals" and disrespect to "dilettantes
and unprofessionals".
The truth however, is that to the amateur the thing is the end,
while for professional as such it is the means; In reality the only
true professionals are those persons directly interested in
Chernobyl and who occupy themselves with it from pure interest in
the subject. The word “amateur” comes from the Latin verb “amare”
which wants to say to like. An “amateur” does what he does because
he likes to do it, and not because he or she is paid to do it. Only
this type will pursue it with entire seriousness. It is from such as
these, and not from wage-earners and careerists, that the greatest
achievements have always come.
As for researchers who remain unrecognized and therefore forever
thought to be unprofessional, their biggest problem is that they
have to receive acknowledgment and degrees from the hands of the
nuclear barons or their peers. In this respect Shopenhauer rightly
said that the greatest misfortune of all intellectual merit is that
it has to wait until the good is praised by those who produce only
the bad.
Baby Food
The question I often ask myself is how long people will remain in
darkness about Chernobyl? General history shows that comprehension
of such complex issues as the Chernobyl disaster and its aftermath
requires time for development. It is understandable that for the
power industry the news was not favourably received and many want to
bury the information in obscurity. Nevertheless, sooner or later
there will come those who will discern without enmity or favor. Only
then will facts win notice from intelligence of a higher order than
accountants and spin doctors.
Optimist in me want to believe that the question will afterwards
be gradually subjected to examination; light will be thrown upon it;
it will be thought over, considered, discussed, and eventually in
the end the correct view will be reached. After a time - the length
of which depends upon the difficulty of the subject - the general
population will come to understand that what every incisive
intellect saw immediately.
Whether we ever live to see this day depends upon many factors,
generally, the higher and more important a historic event, the less
likelihood there is of survivors and witnesses ever living to reach
the day when the fog lifts and truth is revealed for everyone. For
instance, it took 50-70 years for majority of people here to learn
truth about revolution, famines and repressions. It seems, that the
history only triumph over aged evils, while the present and recent
evils are easily triumph over history. In case with Chernobyl, it
may last longer, but the matter won't last forever.
There is a special benefit which everyone with a clear head has
enjoyed: it is seeing clearly in the midst of general
disinformation. One learns the true nature of things instantly, not
in a half century like the simple souls who wait for the final
result to be chewed, digested, and regurgitated to them on tv
history channels.
What impresses me about Chernobyl is the half-life of some
nuclear isotopes. A hundred, thousand, even tens of thousands of
years! "Chernobyl will last until the second coming of Jesus,"
Gorbachov once said in an interview.
This spring the news anchors have introduced a new expression:
"Old Chernobyl" Perhaps in this way they want to make us believe
that Chernobyl is now fading history and soon will be gone
Unfortunately, it is only its victims who are gone even before
getting old. Chernie remains forever young, forever dangerous. The
birth pains of its nuclear accident 20 years ago is just a few
seconds in the age of this eternal infant.
I believe, part of the reason why the general population is not
capable of seeing the extended age problem of nuclear accidents is
because people can only comprehend time when it is already past. We
are still too close to the time of Chernobyl to see the whole scale
of its disaster.
Like a big building that requires a view from a long distance to
see the shape of the whole structure, so it is with Chernobyl: the
whole monstertude of its lengthening shadow will only appear after
many generations. After that, it will not disappear until the End of
On the gates of sarcophagus I'd gloomily write what Dante wrote
over the entrance to his Inferno: "All hopes abandon ye who enter
They say, in a kingdom of blind, one eyed man is a king. If you
can see truly in the midst of general disinformation, then you are
like someone who has at least one eye, when everyone around you has
You are truly a king or a queen, and you see things as they
really are, while the rest believe what they want to hear. You see,
everyone is applying false standards and being led by stone blind
guides, all groping about among the other sightless wanderers, but
you can do nothing to change it. There is no way for you to help
anyone to learn what you see; for that they will need your eyes.
September, 2006
New Element (Parody)
Scientists of one of banana republic recently announced the
discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new
element has been named "Governmentium."
Governmentium (Gv) has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88
deputy neutrons, and 98 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an
atomic mass of 212. These 212 particles are held together by forces
called morons. Morons still unexplored substance, the distinctive
feature of which is large amount of pockets.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 4 years; it mass will
constantly increase over time, because during decay cycle, the mass
of pockets of assistant neutrons, deputy neutrons and assistant
deputy neutrons on the increase and when it reaching critical
concentration, the stucture undergoes a reorganization, in which
some morons become a neutrons, a portion of the assistant neutrons
and deputy neutrons exchange places. Since Governmentium has no
electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it
impedes everything with which it comes into contact and it comes in
reaction with everything that has electrons and not inert. A minute
amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally
take less than a second to take over four days to complete.
When Gv decays, it falls into another new elements, Retiredum
(Re) and Retardium (Rt) which some call Dementium (Dm)
September, 2006
Bloggers and journalists
Nowdays mainstream media must
battle with tough competition from internet. Bloggers keep winning
audience and more and more newspapers are on the brink of
bankruptcy. The reason is simple, internet bloggers are much more
objective, genuine, and liberated than folks who work for news
agencies. Newspaper reporters and anchors often wonder why people
are blogging on the internet. What they really can't understand is
why bloggers will do for free what they, reporters, can not
accomplish for money.
Basically bloggers do a better job because they don't write for
money. People will start writing badly as soon as they write for
pay. An author can only remain objective when writing for the sake
of the facts he or she is revealing. Authors who write for money are
much like prostitutes: Their goal is to please media bosses and
please tastes of reading public. Further, just like prostitutes, it
is impossible for them to receive pleasure from their activity. A
dedicated blogger never seeks to please anyone's taste. Very often
they work in defiance of all official and business policies, writing
only for the pleasure of thinking and sharing with others their
private conclusions.
Journalists and bloggers are so different. A true blogger can not
write for the media just like a newspaper reporter can not blog.
Everyone who applies for work at any news agency, regardless if it
is paper or tv or radio, shall be prepared to follow all
instructions of political correctness, such as not to offend ethnic
minorities, not to hurt religious feelings, not to step on any fat
toe of the nuclear monster, not to bite a feeding hand of chemical
food production etc... With all those restrictions the mind of
journalist is being shackled to a frame of limitations and, like a
bird in a cage, can not move. The mind of a blogger is a free bird,
flying without boundary, seeing everything as it really is. The
blogger can therefore speak his mind without constraint. The basic
intelligence or education of the blogger is not important, what
matters most is that such a person is master of their own thoughts
and their intellect keeps on growing. In contrast, the mind of a
journalist inevitably bogs down in a morass of ignorance and apathy
and is therefore constantly degrading.
If you are going to work for mainstream media, you will have to obey
all their rules. Eventually you will feel as if you received
invitation to a disco and, upon arrving, found everyone dancing on
crutches. Later you will discover that, apart from those who are
naturally lame, there are actually some good dancers who wear
crutches only because they have to feed their families. If you join
in the dance of the lame, then in a number of years you will find
that you, too, are lame and that you can no longer dance without
crutches. Congratulations - you have become a journalist.
October, 2006
Our civilised world is a big masquerade-show, where grief of
officials, smiles of shop-keepers, compassion of philanthropists and
voluptuousness of porno actors are only masks, there is nothing real
about them. One puts on the mask of law and becomes a lawyer,
another chooses the mask of patriotism which morphs him or her into
a politician, sometimes a politician takes environmental issues of
doctrine then he becomes the environmentalist and so on. Basically,
behind most of those masks are moneymakers and counterfeiters, whose
success rates as con men are greater than their abilities to hide
their real faces.
With countries of the world it goes exactly the same: each presents
only a happy-face, fabricated by an assortment of politicians, pop
stars, movie personalities, sport figures, and celebrities of all
They present only the "game-face" of their countries, and we can
learn nothing from them. The real face of a country is revealed when
the social uprisings, strikes, and wars break their brittle little
masks apart. As the scales fall away, for a little while we see
their real problems. Chernobyl in this respect is a complete
disaster, the image of my country is tarnished for decades. In the
first 10 years after the accident it was really hard for them to put
any mask on such a gloomy face, but all her citizens can now join
the masquerade-ball. Ukraine has gotten herself some good socker
players, boxers, singers and dancers. No matter how dark the night,
the party can just go on and on...
September, 2006
In Gulag prison system when convicts wanted to kill some informant,
without anyone being held responsible, they usually coiled a long
rope around the neck of the traitor. Then a few dozen people pulled
one side, and few dozen pulled the other side of the rope. In this
way, no particular person could be determined as having caused the
actual death.
The more people involved in the rope-pulling, the greater the
chances for all of them to escape both punishment and personal
accountability. This is the main principal of all collective crimes
and this explains why the number of Chernobyl victims is always the
same and why no one has ever admited guilt or expressed any remorse
for this crime. There were just too many people on both sides of the
September, 2006
Today, on December, 16th, 2006 I noticed that the level of radiation
at my home was higher than normal. I went outside and measured the
radiation at a different parts of my neighbourhood. I used several
different Geiger counters just to be sure. They showed 20-25 mR/hr,
which is two times greater than normal.
Later, through my information sources, I learned that the higher
radiation level was the result of some maintenance work on the
Chernobyl sarcophagus - (they opened up part of its roof) This left
me wondering if the new radiation was reflected or if it was brought
with the wind. We can only guess because there is no mention of any
such event in the news, and our weather report says the levels are
December, 2006
In February 2007, my friends' father died of lung cancer. He worked
in Chernobyl as a driver from the first day of the nuclear accident
in 1986. At his funeral I met an other driver, a collegue of the
dead man. We spoke as we waited for the burial service and I learned
some interesting things. He told me he is the last survivor from the
pool of drivers that were sent to Chernobyl. He also said that the
territory, which is surrounded with barbed wire and known as the
"Chernobyl Dead Zone," is not a 30 kms radius around the reactor,
but it actually 40-50 kms. Upon arriving home, I checked my maps and
yes, only one checkpoint is at a distance of only 30 kms from
reactor. The other dozen checkpoints are located 45-50 kms from
ground zero. Why does everyone refer to the Chernobyl "Dead Zone" as
30 kilometers when the radius is in fact 45 kms? What about the huge
area beyond of this territory? Does anyone think the barbed wire can
keep the radiation from spreading. The way our eyes follow the ball
instead of the game is really frightening...
About book publishing
Twelve years ago I was delivering books to a prison. We were also
cleaning all the old Soviet books out of its library. The prison
Librarian, whom I depicted in the short story "Nikholayevich",
wept at seeing thousands of such books being carried out of his
library. 'Several generations,' he said, 'have been raised with
those books and now we just have to throw them away for utilization.
These days when I walk through endless rows of new books at some
book fair, exactly like my friend the librarian, I can only sigh
with thoughts that in just a few years none of those authors will be
remembered at all. The whole of modern literature is a lottery that
has never had any winning tickets, because now it is industry, where
everyone is busy with making money off literature: authors and
publishers, critics and advertisers - all corrupt - they keep
together, mutually sustain each other, they are part of the same
system and all have but one goal: robbing the reading public of
their time and money.
Such industry thrives on the mindless desire of the public to buy
only books on the bestsellers list. Open any such book and you will
see it melts on your mind, like cotton candy. It is because there is
no way to publish ones thoughts in book form. This system is
intolerable to intellect, it trample on everything that appears to
be above the common level, which forces authors to write about
dragons or flying saucers or anything, except reality. Reality is
banished from modern literature because realism reveal how
domesticated we have really become. Similarly, there is absolutely
no way to publish a book about Chernobyl here. All our Chernobyl
books must be printed in Western Europe and now with resurgence of
nuclear monster it became difficult to print them anywhere.
Very little of our modern literature will stand beyond the day after
tomorrow, except those by mediocre authors: the inventors of new
clamour, with strong connections to show business, who create
another period in a history of literature that will make posterity
sigh when it lights upon a grotesque architecture of words. It will
push the door of this decayed structure and find it utterly empty,
nothing alive inside of sarcophagus, not a single living flower can
be extracted from that dry herbarium of conventionalities, not even
a trace of thought to stop the future librarians from throwing our
time bestsellers to the recycling can.
October, 2006 **************
Chernobyl is alien to the spirit of our epoch, because our culture
denies all misery and only accepts success. We are moved by the hope
of gain than by the danger of loss. People learn only to seek the
maximum pleasure with minimum thought. Realism has no place today
and one who speaks with a realistic outlook sounds like a terrible
pessimist. The huge propaganda machine teaches that happiness is
mandatory while misery is optional. Its relentless mantra is 'enjoy
life every day in every way and to live, like there is no tomorrow.'
Eventually, this prevents whole societies from admitting and
learning from their mistakes. As a result, the world keeps
generating more and more of bad news.
At all times, the first rule for wise conduct of life has been
expressed by Aristotle. He bids us direct our aim, not toward
securing what is pleasurable and agreeable in life, but toward
avoiding, as far as possible, its innumerable evils. Now, this rule
is disregarded. I believe that side-stepping it is the source of all
our present and future troubles. How can people avoid evils,
mistakes, and failures if they deny such problems even exist?
If we live like there is no tomorrow, there won't be.
[Footnote 1: "The prudent man seeks not pleasure but freedom from
pain" Aristotle "The Nicomachean Ethics" 1152b10
Chernobyl is a hard lesson and it has shown to the world that we
cannot let technology get ahead of our own development.
Chernobyl Churches
There are more than 2,000 dead
towns and villages within a radius of 250 kms (155 miles) around the
twisted, Chernobyl reactor. There is no way to count all the
villages because many have been systematically demolished by the
authorities and some roads are ruined now.
Traveling through the dead zone I have yet to see any ruined church.
Looters are superstitious folks and are afraid to rob churches.
Also, nearby community members come to fix the abandoned churches
every few years, so they stand longer than all other buildings in
the area.
Doors in these old churches are unlocked. There is nothing valuable
inside, only a couple of cheap icons, towels and slightly
radioactive Bible - usually opened to the page where the age of
wormwood is foretold (Revelation 8: 10,11*). Few people can remain
unaffected when they learn that the Ukrainian word for 'wormwood' is
'Chernobyl'. I am not exception and this inspired me to explore the
sacred side of Chernobyl.
Chernie is haunted by many ghosts, because there are two spiritual
armies still and always at war: the forces of good and evil. As long
as the churches still stand, the battle continues. It is not just an
empty place, like those deserted coal mining towns. Chernobyl is
magical, repellent, interesting and frightening at the same time.
One who travels solo through Chernobyl never feels like he or she is
alone, there is the ever-present feeling of being watched. The
discomfort is real. This supernatural and unpleasant sensation can
be felt even through the photos and videos of Cherny. The Christians
call it: the presence of the devil.
I don't believe Chernobyl is only about the bitter taste of
Wormwood, the falling star of Revelation. Our Chernobyl is just the
final consequence of compounded human error and greed, the root
causes of which are also indicated throughout many books of old and
new testament.
If I had to bring a few passages from the Bible that explains the
causes of Chernobyl, I'd bring as the most striking and most
appealing the temptations of Jesus in the desert. These did not
emanate from a finite, terrestrial intellect, but indeed, from the
eternal, absolute and consummately evil mind of an exiled angel:
Satan himself.
Those temptations are Miracle, Bread, and Authority. Temptation with
Bread is the most applicable to the Chernobyl disaster and most
difficult for the human race to resist.
'Thou see these stones in the desolate and glaring wilderness?
Command that these stones be made bread - (and mankind will run
after Thee. Show people a miracle and they will follow Thee),'
croons the evil angel.
Jesus rejects them all, but mankind is too weak. Science knows how
to turn uranium stones into both weapons and bread. The people
embraced the vision with unbridled enthusiasm, lured by the tricks
of nuclear alchemy. Never mind the penalties of Time's usury and the
violation of all natural principles, the people chased after those
tainted miracles, marched with nukes in parades, and shouted -
But after the reactor exploded, the people lost their enthusiasm.
Science, too, is frustrated and no one believes in miracles anymore.
The time of free will is gone and the real nuclear violence begins.
We can do little to stop it, because if we take away their sword we
also lose our bread and butter, so we must consume it now in order
to go on living. The second advent of nukes is not about miracles as
was the first - now, it is about necessity. Turning nuclear
particles into food has now become an industry fueled by the will to
In Satan's three temptations of Jesus we find, as if blended into
one and foretold to us, the complete future history of man. We are
shown three images, uniting in them all the future axiomatic,
insoluble problems and contradictions of human nature. The seeds of
this truth are rooted deep and wide inside the Bible; it is more
than a few scattered passages. Chernobyl is a vital icon for modern
Christianity, and a bitter fountain of learning for us all.
* Revelation 8: 10 - And the third angel sounded, and there fell a
great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon
the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11 -
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of
the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because
they were made bitter.